Christmas 2008
December 2008
Day of Wylie's birthDay of Audrey's birth
Stephanie and Michael's Wedding Day
It is really amazing to me that my first born is 27 years old, almost 28. He is married, a devoted husband to Stephanie and a amazing father of two beautiful children...WOW, being a Grandma is the BEST, BEST, BEST. Grandchildren, are little blessings from God, truly one of his most amazing creations. Seeing small parts of their parents in them and the funny things a 3 year old can Anyway, back to Michael (I love you but you know how I can go on forever about being a Grandma) I cannot believe the time passed so fast. You were the first grandchild to my father Dimiter Gluhcheff, a father of 6 children...he was so, so very proud to have a Grandson. You were the center of attention for years and the entire family doted on you. You were always head strong and a strong willed child with a mind of your own. You always knew what you wanted, and went after it. Today you are a handsome, wonderful, hardworking son, husband, father and family man. It is obvious that you love your wife and children, family and God. You have really grown into quite a man in the 5 1/2 years you have been married. Taking on the responsibility of marriage was a bit scary at 22 but you stepped up, again knowing exactly what you wanted..and have done a great job. You are a wonderful son, husband, and father. Your wife and children are just as blessed to have you, as he is to have them. You all make a wonderful family and inspiration for other young couples on how to do things right. Michael, you should be very proud of yourself, I know I am very proud of you and love you very much.
You will always be my first born, You make me proud to be your Mom...keep up the good work Son. Hope you do not mind me writing this, I plan to do a bit about everyone special in my life. Mom
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